“…love your neighbor as yourself.”
Matthew 22:39
This seemingly simple charge given by Jesus Himself is the second most important thing that we are called to do. So, who is our neighbor? We believe that our neighbor is anyone and everyone. Our neighbors are the people who live right next door to us and who work with us. They are the cashiers, tellers, teachers, and the tire-fixers in our lives. They are our friends at school, the drivers in the next lane over, and the homeless living on the streets. We believe that loving our neighbor starts right here in our own community and stretches as far as the other side of the world.
Family Life encourages people not only to KNOW JESUS but to BE JESUS. What better way to BE JESUS than to get involved in serving your neighbors both locally and abroad?
Events: Throughout the year we have multiple outreach events that we do for the purpose of connecting with the people of our community. We strive to look outside the four walls of our church to see how we can serve and bless the people in the communities around us.
Local: Youth Haven Ranch, Local Food Banks, Jail Ministry
International: Poetice International, SoulCraft Church in Macedonia, Josiah Venture with the Korban & Tanya Miller Family, 29:11 Child Sponsorship, Starfysh, Kingdom City Church in Kenya, Africa
Haiti 29:11 Child Sponsorship
Our children in the village of Nan-Mango, Haiti need our love, prayers and support! The 29:11 child sponsorship allows each of us to connect with a child in our village! A monthly gift of $17 will give them food, education and medical treatment for an entire year. If you are interested in sponsoring a child, please contact the church office at admin@m52church.com. If you have more questions about our ministry contact Jamie Spencer at spencerjamiel@hotmail.com.
SoulCraft Church, Macedonia
SoulCraft Church is a evangelical church that is reaching out to the people of Skopje Macedonia. The Wesleyan Church has been active with this church over the past decade so assist them with lifestyle evangelism and discipleship. With the population of Macedonia less than 1% Christian this church serves a group of people that need to see the living hope of Christ lived out by the church of Jesus Christ.